
UBS Open Day

Do you mean business? We do. Learn more about real banking during UBS Open Day.

We are happy to invite you to participate in the first edition of the UBS Open Day in our brand new office in Wroclaw!

During the event you will have a chance to learn more about one of the biggest financial institutions in the world, talk to UBS employees about their work and win some valuable UBS goodies.

Do you speak fluent English?

Would you like to see how the financial institution operates?

If so, send an email to: sh-polandcareers@ubs.com with:

• name, surname and university

• year of your studies and faculty

• answer to the question: why do you want to take part in UBS Open Day?


Apr 1 – Apr 15: Send your application for UBS Open Day

April 19: UBS Open Day in UBS office

Move quickly as the number of places is limited.

dodane przez MJCC

data ostatniej modyfikacji: 2016-04-08 16:07:51
Polityka Prywatności